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I discovered philosophy at 16. An age when you search for your identity, your purpose and the meaning of Life.
Nothing made sense, religion was restrictive in many ways and I couldn't bring myself to believe in something I had no proof existed...some stories that reminded me of Greek Mythology.
So I started learning about philosophy, Sartre, Camus, Baudelaire, talked about the absurdity of life, how we are responsible for mapping out our destiny and free to make any decisions.
Most importantly they made me realize that there are many questions that cannot be answered and that's ok because we don't have a purpose, we are the artists who draw the canvas of our fate and its up to us to chose what defines our essence.

PascaleCaubet 3 Apr 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I need to tell you a story about this subject: I use to meet a small group of friends at DUnkin Donuts vry early in the morning. The guy behind the counter studued philosophy. I gave him all my philosophy books. We had fun discussions until I discovered that he chewed tobacco. Now, people's personal habits and addictions are not my business, but I could not accept anyhypothis he wanted to put before me knowing that the real life going on all around us was impossible for him to handle.
That's why most philosophers are men.


The thing I remember from my first formal philosophy class is

Philosophy is the disease for which it ought to be the cure.

I can't bear the idea of being a person who doesen't search and question. To me that is Philosophizing. The willingness to question ourselves and the world we live in. Yet ... man, it can tie you in knots.


My physics professor, senior year unergrad, introduced himself as
" I got my Masters degree in Philosophy and can ask all the questions"
"I got my PHD in physics so I can now answer them"
that has always stayed with me. I too love Philosophy and the deepest of all questions. then I love to ponder what the limitless boundries of physics there are.

EMC2 Level 8 Apr 4, 2018

16 is great! I didn't get into philosophy until 31 or 32. Learning to think about things rationally, logically, and critically is sadly lacking in society today

MrHIT Level 5 Apr 4, 2018

Philosophy is mandatory in France when you get to high school ?

@PascaleCaubet it should be here in the USA. Instead, here it's generally seen as worse to hurt someone's feelings than it is to be honest with them


I had a similar issue, but I discovered philosophy really when I was 19. I had lived at a church of sorts for a little while beforehand, personally I haven't dug deep into Sartre or existentialism as a whole yet, but I am interested in them.

What are your thoughts on Nietzche as an ethical philosopher?

I could never relate to him for whatever reasons, I'll have to get back to u on that one


I am still drawn to philosophy.

I have decided for myself that my purpose in life is for others, not myself, that it is only in my relationship with others, the ones I love, that I can find myself, that I can make sense of it all.

cava Level 7 Apr 4, 2018

If you define yourself first than u are better prepared to care for others

@PascaleCaubet as Rimbaud put it "I is another"


Wow! How lucky that you found that information so early! You have something that will help make your own life make sense to you! That I would have loved to have age 16!


Social theories in college did that for me. We studied "Revolution for the Hell of it" by Abby Hoffman and the Black Panther movement. Social change expands the society.

Where is all that now?...apparently, all wrapped up in the Second Amendment, of this country!

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