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Are people aware enough of (epidemic) thyroid problems we are all facing in a still nuclear world? Often they are hidden, and symptoms such as stomach aches, headaches, brainfog, fatigue, anxiety etc. are wrongly attributed to other diseases. Not all the necessary tests (hormones -including Vitamin D-, antibodies, infectious viruses or bacteria, parasites etc.) are taken. Check the research on thyroid health, diseases and cures by Pharm. Izabella Wentz, disciple of Dr. Elena Koles, MD, IMP and Dr. Alan Christianson, NMD. [] Also, []. "To understand our body as a whole system, in which all organs and tissues collaborate for the body's optimal health, we need to appreciate specifically coordinated rhythms of work and rest. Environmental toxins are poisons for human health, therefore, detoxifying, ozone and chelation treatments work for many patients with different chronic diseases." More informed than the "conventional medicine", the response of the Integrative and Functional Medicine (including a courageous mindset, a vero-bio diet, a change of lifestyle etc.) gives good hopes. Care for yourself, the other and the World, learn with the Terra.Family, protect decently the finite gift of Life! Join the movement of thyroidocare-awareness!

tipi 7 May 25

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My wife suffers from under active thyroid.
The first thing she was asked was, is there a history of thyroid problems in her family as it is almost always hereditary.
Sure enough on checking we found it in every generation of women in my mother in laws family going back for at least five generations.
So if there is a connection with radiation, then it might be fair to think the nuclear factor works on preexisting condition.

@tipi citation needed


I agree our Atheist community shoult be about healthy eating loving thinking

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