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Bill Barr and the White House plan to collect information on social media users when Fuhrer Trump signs illegal Executive Order. WTF!!!!!! Nazi Germany all over again!!!!! Agree/Disagree?? 1st Amendment Anyone??????

sassygirl3869 9 May 28

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I would like to see the folder they have on me. Should be thick by now.

and me-in Facebook jail 3 times.


Trump seems to be following the Hitler playbook pretty closely. Thing is - I'm not certain his minions are more powerful than the social-media companies at this point. It's possible the FB, Twitter, and the like, could tether him before he effected much harm to them. The question to my mind is, how far will they want to tether him ?

TO_BY Level 7 May 28, 2020

Its a cliche how common it is for totalitarian rulers to move against free press and communications. I think Trump has no idea what a monster he is taking on though, if he makes direct open enemies with all social media powers - its going to hurt him more than he realizes.

I hope so.

He's kind of an instant gratification guy, so doubt he has a thought about consequences. Understandably so, since he rarely seems to have negative consequences. He is positively rewarded for his negative behavior.

Except that Mark Zuckerberg is taking Trump’s side and defending him on Fox News. Given that Facebook is a favorite of Russian bots and troll farms, I can see why he wouldn’t want his cash stream interrupted.

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