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The fact that people of colour are being murdered by police, and are three times more likely to suffer such a fate, has become common knowledge. That black people are more likely to be killed by police than any other race is also common knowledge. All decent people agree that this is wrong and must change.

It would be easy to shake our heads at the rioters and lament the passing of peaceful protest, but peaceful protest was tried and it failed. NFL players took the knee and were tried in the court of public opinion where they were found guilty of treason. #BlackLivesMatter was met by the response #AllLivesMatter and anybody that voiced displeasure was branded a snowflake. Peaceful protest did not lead to positive change, it led to debates about whether or not black people were really victims of racism, whether the police were really engaging in brutality and whether that mattered anyway. Disgusting.

Why not riot? Why not fight for the lives of the innocent? Why protect a society that turns a blind eye to murder? Peaceful discourse not only failed, but was ignored. The death toll continued to grow. The pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears. I wish I could say the rioters are wrong, but the truth is far more complex.

The snowflakes have risen.


Rufus_Maximus 7 June 1

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you are SO right. couldn't have said it better myself. Colin gave up his whole damn career making a peaceful demonstration and was branded a traitor. NO ONE LISTENED. The establishment even plotted against him as a result. So all these claims of "it needs to be peaceful" seem very disingenuous. They (we) tried peaceful already and it just keeps going on.


I’m afraid that mob rule is not the answer, it is never going to benefit the people who it’s supposed to be in support of. Violence begets more violence and the only way to get justice for blacks or any other oppressed groups is political change and a willingness to accept that there is a problem in the system. We have had institutional racism here in the UK’s Metropolitan Police for decades, that has been proved time and again, just remembering Stephen Lawrence and Jean Charles de Menenzes as two of the best known instances. It is slowly improving here, although it’s difficult to change something that seems to be in some people’s mindset, that can only be done by education and by better screening of recruits who join the police. I think the current political situation in America is particularly febrile at present, with Trump stirring up long held racist views in many of his supporters. Things need to be calmed down now, not heated up, sadly that isn’t going to be done by the President, though it should be. Justice needs to be seen to be done, and swiftly, by charging all of the police officers involved in the murder in Minneapolis, and probably calling in the National Guard to replace the police on the streets to restore order.


So the fact that people disagreed with Colin Kaepernick, you take it that we now should have total anarchy and that will now get people to listen? No it will mobilize the right and inspire empathy for the police and motivate whites to vote for Trump. Why not riot? Really? I cannot believe that well intentioned people are so clueless.

It isn't just Kaepernick, it's literally decades of people asking why they are being killed, only to be ignored. Frankly these riots are a product of white ignorance, not a cause of it.

If people are afraid to act because of how white supremacists might respond, then white supremacists have already won.

@Rufus_Maximus It is more like centuries than decades, but you don't know what your talking about. I live 3 blocks from where they're looting stores as we speak. 90% of African Americans I talk to don't agree with what your saying. I was talking with some today, they're my friends and neighbors and they're frightened and disgusted by what happened in our neighborhood today. They also have expressed their fear of police, but every one of them would argue with you. Many of these stores are minority owned and those black and Latino owners are calling for the National Guard. We're going to have martial law. You see this from across the pond on your "telly". We have to live it.


They've tried fighting the peaceful legal way and they get nowhere. This is what happens when aggressive overly militarized law enforcement wages war on the citizens they are meant to protect and the justice system refuses to hold killer cops accountable. It's not ideal, of course peaceful protest is preferable but if society is not responsive to those protests and the repression continues, the anger and fury of the people is bound to boil over into violence. Had something been done about this, we wouldn't be in this mess but they made peaceful reforms impossible so now here we are.

The people you have talked to, that's just anecdotal. To get an idea of how people actually feel, look at the millions in the streets risking a pandemic to express their frustrations. Have a look at twitter and see the solidarity of people with the protesters. Try conversing with the actual protesters and not just your friends and neighbors.

It's a shame that people have to fear for their homes and businesses. It's also a shame that an entire segment of society has to fear for their lives every time they encounter police. It shouldn't have gotten to this point. If law enforcement did their job properly, protect and serve the citizens rather than use these aggressive deadly tactics, these riots wouldn't be happening. If we didn't have a drug war and mass incarceration, these riots wouldn't be happening. But thanks to immoral policy makers on both sides of the aisle, these issues are systemic and so ingrained that drastic measures will be needed to pressure leaders into enacting the obvious reforms that should have been done long ago.

The response of law enforcement to this crisis has been abysmal. The people are protesting police brutality so the police respond with more brutality. They actively provoke and escalate the violence. Our police culture is so corrupted with violence and militarism that they have no alternative. All they know is brute force and this will make things worse. The protests will spread in response to the brutality of the cops.

@RoboGraham Some of my friends and neighbors did go to City Hall to peacefully protest. They came back disappointed by the turn of events that followed. You don't live here, I do. The looting hurt the black community in my city. You can write a book on this thread is you want to. That will only make you feel better about yourself, it won't help black owned stores and those who lost their livelihood. It won't help the first black female PC of a major city, only months in the job, who people are calling to step down, blaming her for the police response. It's not helpful at all. BTW it's not millions in the streets doing this. It's enough that they out number the cops who responded. This was driven by gangs and by social media among gang members. It was driven by the opioid crisis as well in my city.


It may not be millions where you are but all the demonstrations across the country together, yeah, millions are participating.

Yes, the rioting is hurting people in the communities where it is happening. People of all colors. As I said before, it is very unfortunate that it is happening. The vast majority who are participating are nonviolent. The media chooses to focus on the sensational violence so that's the perception that people have.

Are you aware of why all these people are risking the pandemic and the violence of the police to get out and demonstrate? The fear and oppression that has lingered under the surface of minority communities for decades? You don't seem to be taking that into consideration. As was said before, peaceful solutions have been tried with very little success. This is what happens when society is unresponsive to the oppression of an entire race. If you want to put an end to these cyclical riots that damage so many communities on such a regular basis, support the protestors, don't focus on the rioters who are selfishly taking advantage of the situation. Join the peaceful protests and add to their voices. Until real tangible solutions are introduced to these systemic issues, this will continue to happen with ever more violent intensity. And the only way to make it happen, is to put heavy pressure on those in positions of authority.

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