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Just saying...

Crimson67 8 Apr 4

Enjoy being online again!

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You forgot the part where you exploit his children..


I have totally thought about doing this once or a thousand times. Sure, I could fake believing in some magical all-knowing zombie in the sky whilst letting smug-faced, delusional bigots pay for my 10 bedroom house and fleet of high-end automobiles. Yeah, my conscience would allow me to grift these idiots and at the same time give money back to those in the community that truly need it.


Brilliant or touching up choir boys


It's Jesus' Mercedes, I just drive it for him!


Going a shout out for amorals.


Time to wash those morals right out of your hair and get on your pulpit! Dig deep in your pockets, cuz jesus needs a new pair of sandals! Can I get an AMEN! I really does look like amoral fun...

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