If you feel a sense of mourning due to racism, you’re beginning to have insight into how many Black ppl have felt our whole lives. I am literally on edge when I see a cop and can only relax once they’re gone. I exhale and tell myself, “youre safe.” #GeorgeFloyd
Welcome to our site Jackie. We hope you find many friends.
Thank you very much
Though my hometown wasn’t as progressive as it is now, cops were often the most reliable, even coolest guys around.. I’d watch, even admire their restraint when (the record being) seven cars were dispatched to deal with our alcoholic neighbor having threatened to kill ..you name it.
I’d often approach them on my bike, and talk as they watched over the park I also lived near. They represented safety, stability and sanity, to me. A decade later, I was in college to become one.. My hometown, Portland OR, was the first in the nation to require a 2 year degree, and it’s county (Multnomah) was first to require a 4 year degree.
The cops are what the community are willing to pay, invest in, or demand. Portland’s finest have had their problems, but they’ve progressed, reflecting the town & community leaders who hire and support them.
Sure, I was white ...but in a part of town nicknamed felony flats, or the dandylion district, and at times felt expendable… I had my share of encounters.. but respectful, honest, and aware of ‘who was in control of the situation,’ survived them with no emotional scars. I doubt many get a warm & fuzzy feeling when being observed by an officer, but someone’s gotta do the hard stuff, glad it isn't ..or wasn’t me.
I'm not minimizing anything you've said, Jackie...what I want to do here is ADD to it. Straight women, bisexual women, transgender women...many more of us are at the MERCY of white men! Think about how many people we've seen beaten, bullied, put down...even when racism is subtle....hatred of ''the other'' is still acceptable among the ''good old boys."
I've had my career, my heath and my life span effected by racism. And I'm still surrounded by it. But, that's how its supposed to work right?
Catching sight of a cop in the vicinity is a nerve wracking experience. I've felt that way my entire adult life.
I get the same feeling but it's because I'm a speeder. In other words I am full of white privlidge.
I get it because they harassed my friends and I when we were young. They were constantly pulling us over and searching us in the hope of catching us in the act. When I was 20 years old, I had been pulled over 20 times. They never did catch us doing anything wrong.
I can't even imagine what it must be like having to put up with those aggressive bullies while black.