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Let's give religion a break just for a moment.

Back when you believed, did you get anything useful out of religion? Can you name one thing that religion did for you that you still appreciate?

Sgt_Spanky 8 June 6

Enjoy being online again!

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gearl Level 8 June 7, 2020

Religion taught me how to stick to my convictions and ultimately to be able to change those convictions when new data invalidated my conviction (actually the last part I learned from science - lol). Religion also taught me how to fight dirty and against more than one opponent, there is no 3rd man in rule when it is a religious fight. Hint: fake like you are going for the weaker opponent because they expect you to do that and then give it all you are worth on the stronger opponent, strike down the centerline (bridge of nose, throat, solar plexus and the family jewels), usually the weaker guy is already running by the time the stronger guy is hitting the pavement.


I would have to say no, I certainly met some nice people on the rare occasions that I attended church. However you can meet nice people just about anywhere, if you try.


No, not really. I was told a bunch of stuff I later had to forget, or unlearn.


Not a single thing.


No, I got nothing good from religion.


No. and I took some time to think about it. Outside of a basic grade school for of 5th thru 8th grades and 1 year of highschool I couldn't get away from the catholic system fast enough....At this age i align more with with my years before any parochial education....what a relief that was....Later i had to put up with a wife that got tricked by jehovah witnesses. 10 years and i divorce, I walked away from that. My youngest child was the most damaged by that process. I am grateful she is here living with me and have similar feelings about it all...but the damage is rawly apparent....It fueled discord for my family...I appreciate being left alone by them..


? Lots of good stuff has come out of religion. People who are inspired often create amazing art, even if the source of their inspiration is silly - the inspired feelings themselves are real! Was it in the 80's or so that the "Peak Experiences" term was popular? The idea that it can be attained through drugs, sport, religion, sex and etc? And some of the best music, architecture, paintings and more come from peak experiences - often religion! Like I said, even if the beliefs themselves are laughable!

Completely agree with you on this. Religion has inspired some of the most spectacular art and architecture on earth. The inspiration may be based on nonsense but the results are genius.


read yuval harari's "Sapiens"



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