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I am an atheist.
But I love the Bible.

Let's go through this part of the Bible, Psalm 23:

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Our only lord, our only god, is our common sense, always becoming more sensible, by always learning, and, those around us who have some common sense, and might help us.

So, sensible ideas, and sensible folks, can help us, as an experienced shepherd helps his or her sheep.
I shall not want, since I know how to bring home the bacon, (I am collecting my Social Security check, nowadays, after four decades of living paycheck to paycheck) and I know how to find help from others, if I truly need it.
My sensible nature stops me from over eating, or over indulging in any way (that's what a shepherd does, when he makes the sheep lie down, when the pasture is too lush, so they stop eating a while, to avoid becoming sick). And the still waters, means consuming what we need, when we need it:
"Quiet and gentle waters, running in small and shallow channels, which are opposed to great rivers, which both affright the sheep with their great noise, and expose them to be carried away by their swift and violent streams, while they are drinking at them. Such is the difference between the gentle waters of the sanctuary, the waters of Shiloah that go softly, and the rapid, muddy, and noisy torrents and overflowing floods of worldly and carnal enjoyments."


I know, we all like a little carnal enjoyments, but too much of a good thing can do us more harm than good.

My wife often "restores me soul," meaning, she assures me I am doing quite well, even when I feel discouraged and depressed.
I lead myself in the paths of righteousness, as I understand them, for my sake, since it simply feels so good, to do what I feel is the generous thing, such as, when I help my disabled wife, when she asks me for help, and when I do laundry or dishes, for the rest of the family.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the thoughts of my own death, (coming up in about twenty years or so), I will not dwell on those things that seem depressing or things that scare me, because I have the tools, (the rod and the staff) the tools, in my common sense, and others I can turn to, I have these tools, that give me emotional comfort, the comfort I get in knowing these tools are here, to help me, when I need help.
I can always prepare a table for myself and my family, both in food and other goods we have right now, and building potential, for more. (My brother-in-law is building up a lawn and tree removal service, and doing quite well.)
" in the presence of mine enemies:"
I don't have any enemies. Everybody likes me. So, I don't have anything clever to do with that particular verse.
My cup runneth over, with material things, with love and respect from my wife, and from her family, and, I have the internet, for more information, so I can keep improving my common sense, and, social interaction, such as might come from comments to this post, and, if I'm desperate, I have found that I can get money from strangers, by way of Gofundme. My cup does runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life, since I am a nice guy, I am a sensible guy, and I know how to ask for help.
But there is no life after death, so the part obout dwelling in the house of the lord forever, is just a silly fairy tale.
When I die, I will just be dead.
Thanks for reading.
Please tell me, in the comments, do you like my little rant?
If you like it, I can do the same, for many popular Bible verses.
Just let me know.
Thanks again.

bigjac 6 June 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I have to call you out on most of what you are saying here.
Using the bible for inspiration is foolish in my view

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want"
Me Personally. I don't want to be a sheep and be guided by a celestial dictator in the sky being my shepherd.

"I know, we all like a little carnal enjoyments, but too much of a good thing can do us more harm than good"
I can't think of how anyone can consider to much sex as being harmful to us. I prefer A lot of carnal enjoyment, and it does not seem to have done me any far?

"Our only lord, our only god, is our common sense, always becoming more sensible, by always learning"
The Bible is not about learning. It's about Dogma and no learning to change. Change comes with critical thinking not Bronze age fairy tales.

It looks like you are a closet believer or a Bible thumper masquerading as an Atheist.


You took the words right out of my mouth. 👍 This guy is either confused or a troll posing here and thinking he can convert us nonbelievers.

@noworry28 He's barking up the wrong Tree


I like the LOTR, but I don’t use it like a basis for moral philosophy. You could just as easily use the Tale of Gilgamesh. Why not Aristotle’s Nicomedian Ethics? Why not John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty? Let’s use real reasoning from real people to develop a fundamental discussion on ethics instead of the use some spurious set of fables.

I say take it wherever we find it.

@brentan Taking wisdom from ancient fables that have been translated multiple times seems unreliable to me. Why not just trust in philosophy and open your mind?

@Gatovicolo I think I would end up placing my faith in one source of knowledge and refusing others despite the endless wisdom that can found in them.

@brentan The Bible isn’t a source of knowledge. Its merely cultural phenomena that needs to be analyzed. That’s like saying the Havamal is a source of knowledge, but, rather, it’s a literary text that needs to be analyzed for its historical significance.

@Gatovicolo We might as well agree to disagree on that!

@brentan Ok. Enjoy your scripture hunt.

@Gatovicolo Thank you. I always do.


I think you are on the wrong site and I think you do not understand the definition of atheist.

t1nick Level 8 June 7, 2020

Fine’re free to enjoy whatever literature you like, even the OT of the bible has some very calming and uplifting chapters and verse, such the book of Psalms, I will concede. However, that is part of the problem of the bible and it’s inconsistencies, because it also has some of the most horrific, vengeful and bloodthirsty, not to mention immoral, chapters and verse too. We expect Christians to cherry-pick and select only the parts of the bible they like and ignore the rest, but I’m surprised that anyone who identifies as an atheist could sound so enthused about any part of this work of fiction, when there are plenty of other books which have more uplifting poetry and prose, and which don’t come in tandem with such dangerous ideology.


the 23rd Psalm
Atheist version

23 The Lord is not shepherd; For I am not a sheep.
2 He maketh me not to to do anything in green pastures: or beside the still waters for he does not exist.
3 I have no soul and I walk in the paths of righteousness because I am a decent person.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear not: because death is an inevitable part of life and whinging about it helps not.
5 It is a human right to have enough to eat and drink and I think the farmers and the agriculturist for that not some mythical sky daddy.
6  Goodness and mercy might follow me all the days of my life if I do right by others and they by me : and I will dwell in the house I bought or rent from the council until I die after which I will be dead and incapable of caring.

That is pretty much what I wrote!
Thanks for the shorter version.


I enjoy a good fiction book also.


What does not exist, in other words god. Can be given any properties you wish, because since it does not exist it has no properties of its own to conflict with the ones you wish to give it. Therefore it is hardly amazing news that peoples fantasies fulfill their deepest wishes.

Or to quote the old saying. "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true." One of the best pieces of evidence for the none existence of god.


Misquoting from Field of Dreams... "If you disbelieve it they will come!"


Jesus was forced to wear loincloth, a robe and a crown of thorns. The original cross-dresser.


I like the Sermon on the Mount...I don't get any inspiration from it but I can appreciate it as lyrical prose.
But I despise it as part of an elaborate hoax which has enslaved I don't read it or the rest of that abomination called the 'bible.'

Yes, my favorite part that is not an acid trip. I mean, blessed are the cheese makers, brilliant!


Now apply that to Exodus 21 or Leviticus 25 and tell me that slavery is beautiful


Maybe some of the poetry in Psalms, but all the genocide and such like murder and rape and incest and unbelievable stories just don't do it for me.

Having taught literature, some of the psalms from the King James version do sound nice with that sweet language, but that is all I can agree upon.


We don't need thats shit here. Sorry.


I don't believe you are an agnostic. Perhaps you hide behind some watered down description of being superstitious, like calling yourself "'spiritual"? Anyway, you could have summed up your view there in a paragraph. To go on about it that long on an agnostic site makes it seem like you are running a con.


Parables and myths abound in our world. It's puzzling why you seem to be only fascinated with this particular one. I can almost see the joy you experienced while writing this piece. I am sure you would receive a better reception in a non atheist forum.


We'll that was a LONG, rambling way of not really saying anything useful.
Personally I like the musical Jesus Christ Superstar. It's great fantasy. And that's what your bible is. But good luck with the wordy ramblings!


Its a beautiful book.


While shards of prose may seem pleasant enough, the history of the Bible and those who believe it are ugly and horrific. Giving it any credence demonstrates appallingly bad judgment. We are fighting a culture war against fascist maniacs. You are with us or against us. Help us or hide.


It's a waste of valuable time. Have a good day.


You can cherry pick anything you want, the fact is that the stone age mash of myths you are talking about is like looking at clouds, you can see anything you want in it. But the fact is, it has been a worse influence on humanity than has been a good influence. To promote it in anyway is to promote evil.


My first thought was troll. But I read his comments on his profile page and believe he is asking an honest question.
My answer is I have no interest in the bible other than to dispute religious people.


Word salad. Why not cover the murder, genocide, slavery, and rape? Those parts are the ones that made me stop being a christian.


I just came here for the comments.



The thing is, shepherds tend their flock to keep them safe so they can kill them themselves rather than someone else or a wild animal. The shepherd does not love the sheep for its own sake, but for what the shepherd will get from the sheep: wool, meat. A sheep is NOT safe with the shepherd--at least not for long.

Also, there is some beautiful poetry in the bible, just as there is in from other writings. The only problem with the bible is that people think it is the word of a god and look to it, and only it, for guidance and inspiration (which is often misguidance and inspiration to do/justify horrible things).

Thx. Never thought of it that way


May I ask why do you like the Bible? You said that you are an atheist and love the Bible? This book teach violence, descrimination, rape, abuse, cruelty and as a woman I feel that the Bible book attacks my rights. You sound very contradictory like the Bible.
Do you like this message from the Bible?
Personal Injury
“…thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. ” — Exodus 21:23-25

“…ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” — Matthew 5:39

@TheMiddleWay the difference is that Lolita is declaredly a novel when the bible is supposed to be the god inspired message to humanity. The analogy fails.

@TheMiddleWay It only teaches it if you want to be taught by it. ? ? What nonsense are you saying. I was born in a Catholic home and before learning abc or reading a children's story to me, my family chose the bible. I grew up without the right to choose and forced to follow a religious goddess. I grew up in an environment where I was doubted to doubt the Bible and in the name of God, abuse and crimes against women are committed. If a woman is pregnant and loses her fetus due to a natural situation, she is sentenced to more than 30 years in prison.
Good luck with the evil Bible book.

@TheMiddleWay but @bigjac claims to be an atheist, so his opinion on the nature of Lolita should be the same as the bible!

@TheMiddleWay ,"So yes, we choose our teachers " and reading something does not automatically a teacher make.

Ha, I see you love "Lolita" the novel of Vladimir Nabokov and the "Bible" book. What an interesting stories of adults having sex with children, crimes, lies, perverts, etc.
You may be right in choosing our teachers, let me think about that choices.

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