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Doctors, Lawyers, Priests and Politicians. I feel they are the biggest problems facing our existence. Why do we let them get away scott free from facing their fraudulent policies, practices and being able to say whatever they feel is beneficial without being held accountable. Seems they think we are forever in their clutches of finding any comfort in life which they seem to impede for their own egotistical and monetary gain.

Nevermind345 7 Apr 5

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They are needed but they get away with it because their professions tend to be protected as specializations so the general populous doesn't see where they fall short, where they are entirely ignorant or just plan egotistical asshats with god complexes. Our best guard is to get knowledge and defend your rights. Know where the lines are and when to draw them if they seem hazy. Learn that it's ok to find a new one if the one you have seems inept. We are our own best advocates and those are things that affect us on too regular a basis to let someone else be in total control of them.

AmyLF Level 7 Apr 9, 2018

They get away with it because of lawyers. In oz many of our politicians are lawyers, in the past churches interpreted the law, that is religion. There are 3 options, be a sheep, be a rebel, be invisible.


You missed out bankers

They're Con Artists who nickle and dime you on Fees and Interest Charges. Cousins to the Politician and Tax Lawyers,


Well, you know what they say about absolutes.

If it weren't for attorneys, I would not have had several very good jobs in the last 30 years.

I've worked for many attorneys. Only one woman attorney was a complete jerk. Most have been very good, kind, decent and ethical professionals.


I agree with @marga. It's not the profession. It's the morality of the individual in that (or any) profession. Which raises the question of what is moral/morality/right/wrong? And that's a deep philosophical question for another thread.

MrHIT Level 5 Apr 5, 2018

Most doctors are fine. It's insurance companies that make all the money in healthcare.

I don't know about that. Most doctors I've gone through are pretty egotistical and dismissive. that's why I went through them. I have a doctor now I'm good with because she actually listens and addresses my concerns. She's also willing to work with me on less medicine, more preventative ways of dealing with my health. That profession needs a LOT more of those.


I certainly agree about the priests and politicians. They are products of the same origin and use the same tactics with money as the end game.

gearl Level 8 Apr 5, 2018

It's not the profession, it's the people who populate the profession. And it's human nature, unfortunately.

marga Level 7 Apr 5, 2018

There are some good doctors out there. I had a few save my life. Lawyers - not so much -had a pro bono one bail on me with 2nd divorce -cost me rebuying my house after 2 years of supporting my ex, the struggling musician. Priests rub me the wrong way-my ex best friend had fantasies bout hers and is now married to her Church. Politicians are disappointing. No longer hold them in esteem. They are not saintsthats for sure.


Because they are supported by the majority

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