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Why are people scared of looting?

Edit because people don't seem to get it and I don't want to give the wrong impression. Its a joke connecting the thing Republicans said about Covid19 to their reaction to Black Lives Matter Protesters..

~Black lives matter ~ fuck the police ~ Covid19 is real so wear a mask~

MsAl 8 June 15

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Well in Chicago when the rioting was at it's worst Ald. reported citizens armed with AK -47s were going around looking to shoot people. Not really a good situation overall. In other places citizens had guns standing atop buildings. Elsewhere they walked around with bats and gulf clubs. This is coming from a city that is very plagued by violence to begin with and should be a primary focus on the topic of "kills way more". The violence is very real there and it doesn't get enough attention.



bobwjr Level 10 June 15, 2020

As someone who has lived in the US most of my life, but still only partially assimilated, I think our society is more concerned with stuff than people.

Besides, looting is enshrined in American Civic Mythology: WTF was the Boston Tea Party if not looting and destruction of private property?


why? well obviously bc it's the gd food king!


Not proposing people loot, but, police kill about a thousand people a year. I don't recall looting take that many.

People who digress about how looting isn't good for causes, are throwing the cause out of the dialog. We can't ignore the deaths caused by malicious policing.

I'm old enough to remember how Dr. King convinced protesters to remember that ''violence begets violence'' and to have realized he was right.

Trying to compare acts of violence by justifying your favorite is ridiculous and totally ineffective!.

YES--some cops are killing people.

YES--looting and violence are useless when trying to get the attention of other people. How many innocent business owners of all colors have been devastated by the loss of their business?

Trying to say...''Well, looting and burning that Wendy's isn't NEARLY as bad as murdering a black man" is nonsensical, sets a terrible example and puts you into the same category of violent cops!

@LucyLoohoo He was against violence, but he also said that violence was the language of the unheard.

What I was saying is that if we pay too much attention to the looting, the cause looses attention.

It should be noted that most of the violence in the last two weeks was caused by the police, not the demonstrators.

@LucyLoohoo That's the most sensible thing I have heard on this site about looting. Well said. I agree totally

@dermot235 Thank you! Nice to know there are some adults on this site. Anyone who ignores the fact that violence is counterproductive and harmful to innocent people of all colors is just ignoring the point.

VIOLENCE BEGETS VIOLENCE. Gandhi revolutionized a nation using that concept.

@thexter "If we pay too much attention to looting the violence looses (sic) attention." Are you suggesting looting should be ignored because it's not important? Are you serious? How did police cause the riots here in LA? I remember watching MLK and the non-violent demonstrators simply fall down and wait to be arrested. They didn't burn a Wendy's. They didn't blow up a City Hall. If you want to quote MLK...find me another quote which says violence is justified! Otherwise, find another group to follow.


That's a dumb comparison!!

It's a joke. Comparing how republicans talked about Covid19.


TallPaul, R U rioting and looting, or R U wanting the flu to get you?

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