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Pelosi orders removal of Confederate statutes and portraits in Capitol []

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday ordered the removal of four portraits in the Capitol of previous House Speakers who served in the Confederacy.

The move marks Pelosi's latest effort to take down Confederate imagery in the Capitol, following her push last week calling for the removal of 11 Confederate statues displayed in the Capitol complex.

But only after people made noise. This could not be done earlier in the long for 33 years since she has been there since 1987.

What else she could do that she has not yet done?

  1. Propose term limits for Congress members
  2. Tighten ethics rules against revolving doors, lobbying, corruption
  3. Stop Congress members pay and benefits during govt shutdown just like you stop federal workers' pay
  4. Abolish white-glove heath benefits for all Congress members and ask them to buy in the private market or in Obamacare just like Americans do

She will probably do these when there will be new and loud enough outcry in the future. She will not do it until then. She is only reactive.

St-Sinner 9 June 18

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Congress is already term-limited. Their term is 2 years. Artificial term limits only help corporations who buy and sell politicians.


I never much liked her. Honestly we would be better off without her and trump both.

redhog Level 7 June 18, 2020

Agree on both.


2 and 3-don't they have to be voted on by members of Congress? Of the 37 years she has been in Congress,how many has she been Speaker?

Without bring a speaker, she could just table a bill which she never did.

@St-Sinner Given the obvious fact neither party would support it, why look like a fool?

You go there as a people's representative with convictions, not do what is easy and convenient. She could at least table a bill like many do.

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