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If only this was not so true even now

273kelvin 8 June 19

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Brilliant! How'd you find this? I imagine "Monty Python" today...and what they'd do with our times.

I remembered it from when it was 1st shown in the 80s. The show marked the TV debut for Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean) and quite a few others

@273kelvin Do you remember Rowan in "Four Weddings..."....when he was the new vicar marrying one of the couples....talking about "In the name of the father, the son and the holy goat?" I woke about a dozen sleeping people on a plane to Nairobi...laughing hysterically.

@LucyLoohoo Yes, I do remember that one but it was not his first go at vicaring. Here is him from the show I posted.
FYI "Songs of praise" is a very long-running show on the BBC. Part of the mandated religious programming that they have to put out. It sucks (as do all C-of-E services) but in exchange, we do not get televangelists

@273kelvin HAH! Eddie Izzard did a similar ''bit''...when he invites someone into the chapel..."You're the only one today."

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