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If you had to pick 3 of your most favorite authors who would you pick and in what order?

AustinSkepticus 7 Apr 5

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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Anne Rule and Stephen King are the top two. The third one varies from time to time.


David Sedaris, Wally Lamb, and Joan Didian.


The apostrophe error is driving me nuts.

I missed it, I guess ... Where, could you mention? I thought one place needed a comma...

@njoy_life_2 he fixed it.


@WileEQuixote ty WileE, btw,, love your wit in picking your name.

@njoy_life_2 Hah, thank you!


Rudyard kipling , stephen king , micheal ondatje


John Sanford, Craig Johnson, Michael Connelly,


Hermann Hesse, Mark Twain, and John Le Carre.


Right now, John Connolly, Stephen King, and F. Paul Wilson. I name them because Connolly and Wilson have a great series. Stephen King is just great. There are lots of authors who I love, but I read these the most. Lee Child is fun to read, and so is John Sandford. I have so many that I can't possibly list only 3, really.

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