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Thomas Clay Jr
Last night, the clown-shoe wearing nincompoop held a town hall with the Prince of Inanity, Hannity. I realized that if I were wholly amoral, entirely devoid of ethics, dumb as absolute fuck and able to lie as easily as I can breathe, I could be president or make $35 million a year for Fox. Republicans built that.

Trump does not even have a loose attachment to what sentient people call 'reality.' Hannity is growing into an even more abominable bastard than he used to be. It's not that we would need plastic explosives to get the hypocrisy off that cretin that bothers me, it's that he is the number one show on cable. Tucker is number two.

I sat here wondering what it must be like to wake up every single day and have to drink from that Fox well of hate, suspicion and despair every single day just to put out propaganda on the daily and the only pleasantness I can derive from watching either for only a few minutes are the very vivid and rich means with which I can construct fantastically elaborate and overly-complicated desanguinations for those psychopathic derelicts who have a supernatural penchant for the taste of Trump's ass.

Yesterday, the Bureau of Economic Analysts put out some very sobering numbers that nobody at Fox heard because they were too busy putting their fingers in their ears. The GDP is now -5%. Remember when Republicans said that when they passed that $1.5 trillion tax cut that they said would increase revenues for the government because it would increase the GDP? I certainly do. They said the same when Dubya did it and that didn't turn out so well if you remember.

Two of the most senior members of the Council of Economic Advisors managed to quit this week before that news dropped like an atomic bomb on Wall Street plunging the Dow another 700 points. But there was even a more troubling number, 4 million more new unemployment filings. Add that to last weeks and that's 39 million Americans applying for unemployment benefits. Yet somehow the White House is claiming that unemployment is just 13%.
Well the last time I checked, the worker pool in the US was around 164 million people last year and if you divide that by 39 million, that's better than 30% unemployment for the entire nation. Those are Great Depression numbers simply as a matter of fact.

But in the Trump world, this is great economic success. And surely you'd think they would bring up the other inconvenient fact that the last two days have been the biggest infection rates of COVID 19 ever right?

Oh no, that's didn't come up at all nor the 125,000 Americans who have died from it. Even that idiotic stooge and prolific moron Greg Abbott blinked from his normal Trump 'it's going to disappear' narrative and said that they were not going to open Texas up all the way since Texas' hospitals are now at capacity or over capacity.

Ron DeSantis is still in Trumplandia eating gumdrops and chewing gum because masks are for communist pussies.

In yet another example of Trump's death-touch on Republican candidates that he endorses, Lynda Bennett got shellacked by a 24-year-old challenger despite having both Trump's and Meadows' endorsement.

None of these abominable figures and facts managed to get into the Fox 'town hall' last night nor did any semblance of fact either. Trump droned on and on about China paying billions and billion in tariffs when they haven't paid a single solitary nickel yet because to this day, nobody can explain to this unctuous buffoon how tariffs work. Hannity has never and will never care in the least about any fact whatever.

But the most telling and inconvenient truth that also did not come up in Trump's Wisconsin town hall is the most delicious fact of all, Joe Biden is 11 points ahead of Trump in a state he cannot lose. Not only that but two more polls came out today showing Trump is also underwater in Texas and Georgia!!! James Carville said that there is a greater chance of Trump not running in November than him winning re-election.

There is also one other juicy tidbit that will make Trump restless for the next 129 days, Joe Biden raised more money than Trump and much of that haul came from financiers who now understand that we are not going to get the economy running again until we flatten the curve which they all know Trump has no interest in doing at all.

Put all of these facts in a historical context and feed them through the political calculus and the only answer spells doom for Republicans come November and that my friends, fills my heart with blue tsunami glee.
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whiskywoman 8 June 27

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