Congrats on getting to this site. You have woken up from whatever dogma you were force fed in your childhood, or you had an epiphany at some point, or you just were allowed to make up your own mind. All that matter is that you got here. So could we please stop talking about god or all of the "what ifs"? It looks like to me that well over 70% of the posts here (Kentucky windage, no data analytics) is all about hem-hawing around god, religion, and other silliness. I appreciate that some people are recovering, but really? 70+ percent?
I have a list of things that we should confront as rational human beings. Please add to this list and I plan on posting individual ones or jumping in on the organic manifestation of the issues that confront humanity.
First, my posit: Humanity is worthy of going to the future. We should try to be good wardens of our planet. We effect every system on this planet and we should be mindful of the wonderful diversity that we sprang out of. So here is my list of things we need to discuss:
AI- from job loss to increasing the human potential
Carbon footprint (and sequestration methods)
CRISPR technology
Surveillance Capitalism/ Privacy rights
Free will and how we can guarantee it in a world of religious certainty.
Cleaning our oceans
Getting the internet across the planet without bandwidth chokeholds.
Vaccinations and how to confront anti-vaxers
Defining the human condition to make a wholesome environment where everyone can flourish
Colonizing space (I am a power nerd)
National Debt and how that effects our future
What else have I missed? I see this site spinning around the about silly god-talk, when we should be talking about what really matters.
OK, I am off of my soap-box