I Cannot Look Away
I've found Purpose like I've found a dirty dollar bill on the street..Right under my feet
I've smelled Freedom on a gust of wind like chocolate chip cookies baking at home and I'm walking up to the front door
I've heard Hope as if it were waves crashing on rocks.. I've felt its Power
I've seen Peace but blind to its cause.. Silent pause
I've tasted Love but didn't have the palate for its euphoria.. The idea Notorious
I've ate the root of Bitterness and hate and did not retaliate.. It will be my fate
I've touched Purity but my Heart was Dirty.. And it left with a Hurry
I've spoke of Joy but was deaf to its Voice.. It's always a Choice
Ive been open to Life but closed to its opportunities.. There is still so much Beauty
I've Absorbed pain but haven't let my heart Heal.. I am no more Real than the reality of death and the truth may never be revealed .. Welcome Home Atlas