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My first post here. I'm not too clear on the specific classifications of belief or non-belief. Can some one that knows what would be accurate please inform me as too what I can call myself for this site. My belief is simply that I don't know what comes after death and I'm 100% certain that nobody else does either. That is part of the human condition. What category is that please?

PatrickLovetro 3 Apr 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I'll go with smart.

Do I win anything?



Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.
I believe the label you seek is "agnostic".


Easiest for me has been Freethinker.


Not going to classify you but I am going to respond. I am 100 percent certain about one thing after death. The consciousness/personality that exist with this earthly body ceases to exist. The only reason this consciousness/personality exist is because this body is a unique biochemical vessel that houses it. When the body ceases to function so does the consciousness/personality. Now what happens to the energy which exists in the body? Since it can neither be created nor destroyed but can only change form is a question I cannot answer.


Don't worry about artificial categories. Just know what you do and do not believe.




You sound agnostic to me!


Afterlife is only part of it. What is your position on the existence of supernatural things like gods, ghosts, angels, and leprechauns?

And astrology, witchcraft, spirit guides, and karma? πŸ™‚


It's pretty simple . Are you capable of standing on your own two feet to face the world on your own ?




I'll take a shot. Uncertainty over what comes after we die is something most sincere and inquisitive individuals ponder. And you're quite correct to assert that no one can really know.

I used to be very concerned about which 'camp' or 'category' I belonged to. Strong or weak, agnostic or atheist, so many labels. Personally, I believe that answers to any rationally justified assertion can be scientifically verified or disproved, and I reject faith as a principle to live by, and eschew all religion. So I choose to call myself, a Positivist Nullifidian. Feel free to call me an agnostic or an atheist or a nonbeliever, I really don’t care. Hopefully, what category we choose means less to us than how open we are to others. Peace.

@MarvelAnn Thanks! Obviously a hero of mine ... a mind ahead of its time.

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