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Im interested in how the kids who want anarchy think this would play out, but they always get evasive on me when I ask these questions. In a world without police, who deals with the cannibalistic serial killer?

Who will talk down the cannibalistic sociopath if we abolish the police?

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thinkwithme 7 July 4

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We were already getting called in - don't kid yourselves. (Psych teams).

But working in concert with Police so that only one half of the team had to be armed.

The Question is with all the defunding that's gone on in Social work - how many mobile teams are left to work with the police?

Also how much training on psych are cops getting? They were getting a ton in the 80's and 90's - than... hmm... And look what's going on.

It's got to change. It's all got to change. And someone has to keep watch.

If we end up with Superheros it wouldn't bloody well surprise me at this point. Because it's really gone to hell.


In a world without police those who live around the people who are victimized would be supported by their community. Also if the neighbors knew the criminal then they get to punish him, if he comes from another neighborhood then the responsibility would fall to a group of citizens from which the criminal lived. If this does not work or is not feasible then the responsibility goes up a notch to the County or State level. At each place the legal representatives would be citizens who can be immediately recalled if the cease to function in the interests of the people. Here the people means the people who live in the area, not someone who lives somewhere else and shows up when there are problems.

How do you ensure people will take care of each other? And how do you know who to call and how they will respond with out established law and law enforcement?

@thinkwithme People would have to go through some kind of educational system where they are shown that everyone has a worth and it takes everyone to allow the world to function as it should. of course, it would not work today without a great amount of work.

@dalefvictor I know of dystopian novels, but not too many utopian ones. I definitely think promoting love is a good thing

@thinkwithme I got the idea from doing a report on policing in Cuba in the year about 1973. From a report published in a legal magazine. This is a book, I think it is called "Utopia) by I forget but I think he was the first leader of the Anglican church under Henry VIII.

@dalefvictor You think it's better in Cuba?

@thinkwithme Personally, I have no been to Cuba and so I have no idea. I assure you that what we are told by the administration is not correct. I also know that the first place Castro came to for help was the Uniter States, we told him no as he nationalized all the businesses and assets the US citizens owned there. He was trying to make the place better for its citizens. Perhaps if we had helped him we would not have the relationship we now have. I have seen several TV shows where people went there and they had a good time. Medical care is free, even if you get there from here it is either free or really inexpensive. At this point, I will give them a pass. Have any thoughts or proof otherwise?

@dalefvictor Nope. Nothing helpful to offer on the subject. Thanks for sharing your experience


Societies will always need to be policed otherwise it becomes the law of the jungle and the weak get preyed on by the strong. The strong then vie for supremacy and compete with each other to offer protection (for payment) to the general population. You will then have exchanged a publicly funded and nominally accountable police force for a gangster one which will extort money ruthlessly and over which the public has no control or an ability to hold accountable. I know which scenario I prefer!

So true. We have seen what happens when law and order breaks down temporarily and it is not pretty.

Law and it’s application prevent us from destroying each other.


I appear to have grown up in what’s become the USA’s Anarchy Central (Portland, OR). They strike me as the guilty privileged, who’ve neglected to do their homework.. No long term strategy, just gratification through destruction. Never impressed.

Varn Level 8 July 4, 2020

Sometimes destructive, and no long term plan


Defunding for the majority of people does not mean getting rid of the police, which is the message I'm taking from your post. Even though you do not say the word defund, given the issues of the day that is the implication. Defund for most means eliminating police programs that have not shown efficacy and putting instead into proactive programs aimed at addressing problems at the earliest stages before they evolve into a problem that has to be dealt with.

I actually do know people saying abolish not defund as in the anarchistic sense


They are a minority. Always there are those that think they want to take it to extreme. But they are a minority.


The FDA???

I think anyone who seriously wants to get rid of police hasn't really thought it through. I think there was a lot of confusion over the slogan, which was understandable, because that's what the slogan made it sound like, getting rid of police. The real thrust is narrowing what the police are used for, and diverting funding to more appropriate agencies, if said agencies don't yet exist.

It depends on who you talk to about what they mean. It doesnt seem to make sense when you are talking about more training and responding to increases in crime. I think it's great to fund programs that help the community but I also think it's dangerous to threaten and intimidate the police from their essential work. They need to have enough cops so they arent overloaded overwhelmed. They can do a better job when they don't have the stress of trying to do 2 or 3 peoples jobs. Every country has police.

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