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Do feel the need to justify your non religious thoughts by saying your a moral, good person who works for social equality and justice?

Kojaksmom 8 Nov 24

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No, I just suggest that they look into getting Prozac since as an adult they still have an imaginary friend they talk to, and for some answers them. I'm certain there are institutions filled with residents suffering from the same affliction.


I don't have to justify myself to anyone. I only have one rule and it seems to work pretty well. Don't behave like a d**k. Simple as that????


It is less important to say moral than to act moral. My personal experience with atheists is that they do act more moral because they are not obligated to act otherwise.


No, my actions speak for themselves.


no.I just do what I do and hope my more noble acts may resonate through our interconnected lives.


Justify, no. But I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, religion isn’t required to be humane; education is


The most sad moment of human history: when religion hijacked morals

uzair Level 3 Nov 25, 2017

Is it not strange when it seems several religions do not seem to have morals themselves?

Throughout the world, you read of abuse in religious establishments by those who are meant to protect and teach.
What is the punishment handed down by the religions, relocation and pray for forgiveness.


Not really. The way I see it, I'm not a pedophile, a rapist, a homophob, a thief, or a racist. Beyond that, I don't owe anybody an explanation or an apology for who I am.


Do you mean justify my thoughts to myself, or to other people? I found I went about writing the answer to one, then the other, but now I'm not sure which you meant.
A) In the early days of my atheism (a few months ago), I felt the need to justify my thoughts to myself all the time. Making excuses for my actions and lying to myself. After having read some great books by atheists, and more self-reflection, I realize I am a relatively moral person who is now remorseless at not being a martyr solely for other people's happiness. Although I don't feel compelled to work for social equality and justice at the moment. (Although from my readings I'm apprehensive a moral obligation I do not want might fall upon my shoulders as an ExMuslim.)
B) I absolutely reject having to explain or justify my moral compass to believers. It's a fruitless endeavor with the sort I've been acquainted with. This, of course means that no serious believer is part of my life anymore.


No. I figure if they can't see that for themselves they are 1) blind, 2) not empathetic, 3) too wrapped up in their presuppositions, or 4) belief bound. Whatever the case is, I'm not interested. I know how I lead my life and how I treat others and whatever they think, unless it gives me pause to consider, is irrelevant to me.


No. I try to use the concept of enlightened self-interest; I treat other people with respect, considering how they would like to be treated because it's to my advantage to treat them how they would want to be treated. Hopefully, they'll reciprocate. If you'd like to, check out the concept of Metalaw.


You likely wouldn't want to know what my non-religious thoughts were... 😉


Well, no mam, i dont. I am a kind person today. I respect people. I let my actions and my thoughts and comments show who i am. If they find out about me, they can make a decision on me. Hopefully it will be a just one. If not, i can't control the way they feel.


I don't. If someone thinks I'm evil incarnate, denying it won't change their mind. I try to be a good person, and let my actions speak for themselves. What other people think of me is their own problem.


No, my actions speak loud and clear.


Sometimes i do . Im torn because the automatic response to im not a Christian is negative.


No. As a human being, one cannot be without thoughts of what is right and/or moral -- religion or not. I simply belief in the existential point of view that we are all responsible for our decisions and actions and their consequences, because -- in each case -- we could have chosen otherwise. That being the case, I believe in the moral basis of minimal violation of human dignity.


Nope. I let my actions speak for me. But I like reminding people that atheists are people too. By way of meme usually. Lol


Not unless someone has some preconceived notions about me that are unfounded.

Our ethical actions speak louder than words.

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