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Better not go on any diet.

Jolanta 9 July 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, I'll stick to the "good foods" and exercise. I recently reached a desired weight goal of mine and then celebrated for 3 days eating all the bad foods I'd denied myself, and gained 5 pounds of it back. So part of the above statement is true - unless I just were to celebrate another way instead of eating all the bad foods and taking a break from the exercise I love anyway. Then I'd still be at my desired goal weight right now! Gotta find another way to reward myself next time I reach that goal again!


When you plateau on weight loss, and you're by no means fat, that cold be your optimal weight.

barjoe Level 9 July 11, 2020

Yes, I call it a health drive when I’m trying to cut down on crap πŸ™‚ it’s generally mood related anyway.

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