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I hope you younger people listen to this.
PondartIncbendog 8 July 19

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I was wondering where that was going. That was a terrifying finish.


A good lesson on the creation of "sheeple".
The speaker sounded like Peter Sellers.

Petter Level 9 July 19, 2020

Funny, you just quoted Shakespear to me on another thread, and by chance the same day, I made a similar reference to him, to PondartIncbendog, see below.

@Fernapple The bard has a lot for which to answer.

@Petter Certainly if he's responsible for PondartIncbendog.

@Fernapple Don't blame people for me. I'm not even responsible for me.


Why younger people, surely the old are just as suggestible ?

I thought most of the older people already heard it. But the young are going to have to fix this mess.

Did you hear this in the UK?

@PondartIncbendog There are no fools like an old fools, for being taken in a second time.

@Fernapple "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice,,,,,,,,,,ahhh.,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm a fool?

@PondartIncbendog Only like the Shakespearian fool, the wisest person in the kingdom.

I said young people because... ever try to change an older person's mind? 🙂

And also because young people probably have had limited exposure to the the manipulation that led to the rise of Hitler.

@TheoryNumber3 Oh, but sadly I do think young people are exposed to a lot of that sort of thing. I guess that you could sum the post up, by using a variation on the old saying. "Don't go looking for a guru, you might just find one."

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