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Kenya pastor tells females in his congregation, "Don't wear underwear in church."


Petter 9 July 23

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He is a pervert, just wants to look.


Define "underwear"?

Bras and knickers.


So not Mormons then?


Yeah, that is 6 years old, so not exactly current. It's stupid as hell, and a good reason to abolish religion. Shows that pastors are not "godly" and have way too much power, and too much money.


🤣🤣 Okay, then....


African Christian ministers are extremely misogynistic and homophobic. The worst are in Uganda.

barjoe Level 9 July 23, 2020

Not strictly true. Most of them in Uganda are Presbyterian. The worst ones are in Tanzania.

@Petter It must be pretty bad in Tanganyika then because this is going on in Uganda []

@barjoe There is no death penalty, although conviction can lead to life imprisonment. This is pretty standard throughout Africa.

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