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Isn't it easier to spot bullshit when you seek what is for real, that can be weighed, measured, tested, and backed up with facts?

twaseverthus 5 Apr 7

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It would be nice if life really was like that.

Such a pity it isn't. "Facts" can be manipulated and modelled to meet an agenda. Statistics anyone?

Confirmation bias and our trust in a particular life view can easily fool us into thinking we have the right answers. Recent political successes around the world show how easy it is to manipulate so called facts to achieve a desired outcome.

Critical thinking and doing your due diligence couldn't be anymore important at this time. I hear evolution calling.


I magine the religious response to that being, "No, you can't look at our bullshit. You have to just believe and have faith in it. No matter wha the facts say, our bullshit is true."


Scientific evidence, geographical and anthropological evidence is constantly evolving. We are learning more about evolution at the demise of creation.


No, I'm quite gullible and naive. I'm looking for a bridge to buy. I have lots of beads left over from a previous transaction.

SamL Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

Yes, but then people start taling about how some things require faith and can't be measure etc.


Of course but I always could as I never believed



Or just the tools of a critical thinker.


There is no logical way to measure the spirit world, so the faith of religious people isn't easily challenged on rational grounds.

And therefore, easily, pardon me, bullshitted.

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