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What Movies, TV Shows, and Games Have You Enjoyed of Late?

FearlessFly 9 July 24

Enjoy being online again!

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No games in particular.

As for TV shows... Doom Patrol and What We Do In the Shadows are both fun, goofy shows.

Last few of notable movies I watched was The Mule starring Clint Eastwood. He's like a thousand years old but he can still act and direct. Also, The Big Ugly with Ron Perlman, Vinnie Jones, and Malcolm McDowell was pretty good. Blood Vessel was a surprisingly decent horror/thriller set on a Nazi ship during WWII. I fully expected it to be a schlocky low-budget awful B-movie but it was actually well done that went reasonably light on the blood and gore.


Yankee Doodle Dandy

  • James Cagney

Superb movie..

I 'get' the entertainment aspect of musicals, but for me, good drama is about the "willing suspension of disbelief". Since I don't (ever) encounter folks 'breaking-out in song' in 'real' life, most musicals don't qualify 😟 Cabaret -- where all the singing is in the cabaret -- is certainly an exception.

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