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Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.

Thomas Jefferson.

russjay 4 July 27

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The late, great Christopher Hitchens once said he believed that if Jefferson was alive today he would be an atheist. Hard to argue when you read great quotes like this from a man who lived in the 18th century. The other founding fathers also had many scathing things to say about organized religion and were intent on maintaining a strong wall between church and state in this country.


Dammit gave us so much yet I have to only begrudgingly respect you when I want to wholeheartedly champion you as a hero...but I can't! I WON'T!
Man...why did you have to own people!? Who writes the declaration of independence for one group yet not recognize it for another!? How could you not be aware of such obvious sick irony? It's not as if you were clueless. None of the Adams did, nor did the Madisons (if I recall correctly). It wasnt an unheard of idea.
Dammit really screwed up your legacy and reputation forever.


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Never read this quote. In it he IS questioning the existence of God. Bold statement for 18th century. Great man.

barjoe Level 9 July 28, 2020
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