Why will prostitution never go away? or will it?
I believe that prostitution will be around as long as Patriarchal domination and androcentric religions are. A few, very few, surviving isolated matriarchal cultures made it to the 19th. and early 20th. centuries showing no evidence of it and some other ills we're afflicted with like child abuse and genital mutilation. It is born, like so many other artificial secondary compulsions, of sex-negative Patrist societies wherein (which is to say all) women are regarded more as forms of property at worst and members of society of secondary import at best.
It won't disappear in our lifetimes. If, however, our kind is ever purged of the ridiculous notions that males are natural leaders and that substitutional, secondary drives are healthy, there might just be a prostitution, pornography, marriage, religion, addiction, ritual free society some day.
Well, I can dream can't I?
I think that prostitution has been given a bad rap throughout history and that that is due mainly, in my opinion, to the way women prostitutes have been judged. It is much more acceptable for a man to use a prostitute than it is for a woman to be a prostitute. I don't think it is a service for everyone but I think that there is a place for it in society and that those who want to use it should be free to do so in a safe and respectable way.
I hope not.
Why should it go away?
I have never been to a brothel, or been with a prostitute, hell I have never even had a massage.
But man have I paid for sex.
I have earned millions in my working life, I am not a gambler, never lost over all on the stockmarket or any investments. I have never travelled, never bought flash cars. Yet I have almost nothing. But wow, there are a couple of ladies out there with very nice houses cars etc that were once mine. Yet I raised the kids with no financial or other input from them. They took the money and ran.
And prostitution is bad because ????????