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Have you lost friends that are religious due to criticizing religion too harshly for them?

OrangeJuice 6 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I was recently involved with a woman I met in a bar. I am liberal, and agnostic, she is conservative and religious. I should have known better. We are still friends, but no longer dating. I will still dance with her and be her friend, but there is no future for us as a couple. Too bad, I really like her.


Oh yeah. Heh, I told one guy he sounded like a preacher, and he thanked me. He wasn't too happy when I told him that wasn't a compliment.

A lot of my family won't talk to me because I'm a nonbeliever, also.


No but I live in a profoundly religious/sectarian part of the world and people don't seem to mind me at all, I am sort of 'other' so sort of neutral, when I first came here 25 years ago I got some hostility but it was a lot hotter in those days.


Yes, My very best long life friend of 30 years. He got into the alt right type of christianity and off the deep end. He has become too obnoxious for me to even listen to. He hates all gays, immigrants , non whites and of course Muslim. My brother , on the other hand is a pastor and we get along just wonderfully, We even talk about god and stuff. Extreme religion goes against the core I wish to find in people. If I have to ask them not to speak of a topic, we are not really close friends , are we

EMC2 Level 8 Apr 8, 2018

No - this has never happened because I haven't felt the need to criticize anyone's religion because none of my friends have tried to indoctrinate me into their cult. When the conversation becomes heavy I simply ask the following question "do you like me - do you wish to remain friends" and when the inevitable answer is "yes" - I then politely ask that we not continue with the conversation. I've never encountered anyone who said "too bad" - the conversation is changed to something else. They don't press it - I don't press it and the evening continues on a positive note.


Yep. Oh well.


Yes. When I first came out as an atheist, I lost a lot of religious friends. I found myself though.

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