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"Not only do I not believe in God, but..."

Allamanda 8 Aug 2

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Not only do I not believe in God, god doesn't believe in me either.


… ‘but I take physical risks as well’.. ‘It makes me feel alive.’ ‘It brings attention without the need to have earned it..’ ‘It almost fills my void…’

Varn Level 8 Aug 2, 2020

I don't speak French apart from school girl Frenc a million years ago but get the jist ... yep I would aree with her sentiments 🙂


When one believes in things she/he can not explain or comprehend is no reason to use unknown faith or an imagery idol to calm your insecurities or fright!!!

Too too many rely on things that they know they can not seek, feel, or touch to believe in!!!

They become prisoners of their own blotted improbable deluded faith!!!

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