Our fearless liar obstructionist fascist leader!!!
Has now announce he will terminated all Social Security benefits if re-elected in November!!!
This includes present and all future Social Security recipients!!!
This is nothing short of genocide by these Obstructionist republican fascists who have blocked all Legislation and support for the people of this country for the Past five months!!!
It is now beyond time to eliminate all of these Obstructionist republican fascists who are hell bent on destroying Our country for their wealthy owners and their corporations!!!
Final proof that we've been under a Russian psychological attack for the last four years, to crumble our entire social system in the name of Capitalism and American Exceptionalism. Using our most beloved institutions, corrupting them into fascist strongholds like the NRA.
How are there no patriots left in America?
@Fred_Snerd You understand what I was saying, yes?
@Fred_Snerd I think maybe we both know, but are both taking in code?
tRump can't get rid of social security, are he would have done it by now. Even if he gets it cut from the federal budget, it has a 2.3 trillion surplus.
The surplus is now worthless because the fed is printing over $11Trillion in the last four months to prop up the Stock market!!!
This government, the Fed, and the banks are all broke and worthless thy have stolen us blind by their wealthy owners and their corporations who have profited off of our backs wholesale!!!