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Whats on your mind when having sex? This is a dating site and this inquiring mind would like to know what others are thinking when engaged in sexual activity.

JayJackson 7 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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52 comments (51 - 52)

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Thinking about my partners needs, about making my partner happy.

You rock!! Thanks for sharing.


Usually some form of arithmetic - I mean, I want it last, right? Also some of my favourite movie scenes, they can also be distracting.

you could think about graphing limits

@btroje That is a good suggestion. In some far flung future where I may have the opportunity to try that, I shall keep it in mind.

@btroje That is a good suggestion. In some far flung future where I may have the opportunity to try that, I shall keep it in mind.

Thanks for sharing.

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