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Alabama looked more hopeful this morning, now Arkansas looks like the Dark Ages are back.

Allamanda 8 Aug 10

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All those Johnny-Reb states will continue to look like The Dark Ages for the foreseeable future.


Seems there are too many obstructionist republican fascists up a woman vagina without her permission!!!

This is a human rights issue not a political or religious issue!!!

Too many religious groups and politicians want to protect the fetus, yet after birth they will not provide the basics for the child to survive on this planet!!!

It all about control of women nothing more!!!


My love goes out to you guys... No top leadership


One has to leave the Dark Ages to go back to the Dark Ages.



bobwjr Level 10 Aug 10, 2020

Oh America. When will women be as free as men? When will religious fanatics be curtailed?
This is the land that demonises Muslim fanatics for doing what its own, highly praised, fanatics are doing.

Spain seems to be having its own emotional issue over abortion. The issue is simply a pawn in a grab for power in both places.

I envy you your charismatic Prime Minister. I would trade Sanchez for Biden any day. He is definitely a hunk an a good Socialist to boot.

@Lorajay The issie is merely die to the far right party, VOX, and right wing male Catholics. The great majority of Spanish people support women's equality.


They will truly be sorry in the long run if they are able to stop it. Meanwhile I need to find an organization that is stockpiling plan B and join it.


This is the most fucked up. The father has first refusal on the termination of a pregnancy? Even if he's a rapist? These people are ghouls.

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