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We navigate a very complex world when it comes to human relations. People regularly turn acerbic when defending the beliefs and 'turf' of themselves and their tribes. Statesmanship is a dying (or already dead) art and so also is the finesse of making one's point while maintaining one's decency and decorum. Attached is kinda my personal mantra/prayer...

Green_Soldier71 7 Aug 13

Enjoy being online again!

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A recipe for a world filled with exploitable idiots.

@Green_Soldier71 Yes, a person fooled into believing this set of belief is ripe for the plucking.
It includes false dichotomies, easily misinterpreted phrasing, a call to subservience and guilt and is basically the same tripe the churches have peddled for thousands of years to keep their flock as obedient sheeple.

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