Hello, where's that proposition I was hoping waitingforgodo would send me, you could be asking yourself by now?
Conveniently, I've decided to ask you all simultaneously to save on cloud time and satellite money.
You will of course have noticed my empty profile and have wondered nothing, then thought: what an incisive self-analysis, modest with a superlative sense of brevity, and no trace of prolix dipstick , but you'd be wrong trust me.
I propose that whatever you do, keep on doing it, and enjoy yourself.
What is it that you actually do, anyway?
Kismet barjoe, my real name is barjass and I have a twin brother called jack.
An atheist, an agnostic and a theist walk into a bar and the barjoe enquires what will it be. The theist mumbles something about whisk me straight up. The agnostic says something about I don't know I can't decide. The atheist says give me death in the afternoon and one for yourself, do you know any jokes?
You're the one barj
I tended bar for 40 years. I'm Joe. barjoe