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In secretly recorded audio, President Trump’s says he has ‘no principles’ and ‘you can’t trust him’. []

St-Sinner 9 Aug 23

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Heard that on the BBC last night.. There was a time, stuff like that could and would sink a candidate. Not this one … he could likely gun someone down on Fifth Ave. and the russians would still support him for president..

Varn Level 8 Aug 23, 2020

Just a simple photo with a woman on a yacht sank Gary Heart 30 years ago but Trump has proved to be a Teflon President. Nothing has touched him yet. This is how he succeeded in business and personal life in spite of having tons of problems. One of his associates said at any one time, Trump had over 200 to 400 lawsuits going on. He thrives on using the system to his advantage.

@St-Sinner yeah, his "Fuck-you!," middle finger attitude was actually much of his appeal to his deplorables(and yes, even if Hillary said it, it is absolutely true), so they read his sociopathic disregard for common decency as "strength."


Agent Orange was a vile human being long before he was president and remains a vile human being.


Kind of what we all knew, but always nice to have expert confirmation.


I knew this 4 years ago. It seemed obvious to me. Trump is a piece of garbage.

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