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I keep beating the reaper!

I think it goes back to my college days, we had to produce a quiz show, and mine was "Beat The Reeper," in which you had to survive three life threatening events. I'm not sure how it transpired but not long after "Firesign Theater" produced a very obvious copy of what I produced.

In my version it was three medical events.

Now I never expected I would play "Beat The Reeper" for real!

In order, Testicular Cancer, Heart Attack, and a Pulmonary Embolism, with a few other incidents along the way.

That brings me to the final event, the pulmonary embolism. I knew I had one, but fed my kitties, left several day of dry food, then dragged myself into my radio station and produced several days of programming, did the news and finally drove myself to the hospital where I had to call on my mobile phone and ask them to come out to my ute (pick-up) and take me into the emergency room in a wheel chair. Exhaustion like I had never felt before,and I had pushed myself through the day feeling that way.

I should have called 911 for both the heart attack and the embolism, but I did't!

After the CT Scans with bits of clot all over my lungs I was told I needed to be transported to an Intensive Care Unit, 133 miles away, but that it was likely I would not survive the trip, last requests, etc. It was a toss up between life flight and ambulance, and ambulance was chosen based on the likelyhood I was going to die anyway.

It turned out it was a shared ambulance ride, and I was sharing with my attorney's wife who had gone into premature labor, we each had a nurse, and mine was a well respected friend.

So we talked that 133 miles, from Burns to Bend, Oregon. Being supportive of each other. No praying or other religious B.S. When I got to the ICU the attending physician said, you survived the ride, you are past the crisis and I wouldn't put you in the ICU except we have no other beds available. I said, I need to pee right now!

Once in the bed and settled down sleeping is when I almost believed in heaven, there appeared before me the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, blond hair, blue eyes, in a white jacket, every attribute of an angel. Except she was there to perform an Echo Cardiogram.

I wanted to tell her how beautiful she was, but I deemed that inappropriate. so instead we talked about Ultrasound, and how I used it to certify pressure vessel versus how she used it to examine my heart. The test was done an I fell back to sleep.

I never saw her again.

Did I really die and meet an angel, and her magnificent beauty inspired me to continue living..


She was real, and beautiful, and it gave me a moment remember.

I hope I get back to Bend, Oregon some day, I love the place, I'd like to meet and thank this woman for her inspiration to live a longer and happier life. If she isn't real, I'll know I died and really did meet an angel. I'm sure she's real, and I'd like to say Thank You!

Or maybe I just need more cowbell.

Lincster45 6 Apr 8

Enjoy being online again!

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