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On my old account, I made a post about an hour long hotline call I did when I interned at a Domestic Violence Shelter. Many people didn’t like that due to me being too open & invading that person’s privacy. Here’s what I did...

At the time, I was ‘immature,’ stubborn, and too prideful to admit that I was in the wrong. I got upset and embarrassed from the people who called me out on my bad and questionable behavior.

I made a cry baby post “explaining” myself, which obviously made things worse. After really thinking about it, I ended up internally accepting I was in the wrong & that it was wrong for me to post in detail about my crisis calls no matter how proud of myself I was.

Even though I didn’t mention their name or where I worked, it was still WRONG to post about someone who poured their heart out to me in private (as someone told me on here). I didn’t block ANY of the people who were upset and called me out. I took into consideration what they said, deleted the post, and never did that again... even on this account.

Blocking or banning people from groups because of other people addressing ‘your’ bad behaviors says to me that you have some growing up to do. It also tells me that you are egotistical and think that you do no wrong/harm.

I’m glad I have matured and realized that sometimes I DO make mistakes. I need to be kind, as well as considerate to others by accepting when I do screw up on social media... and delete posts that are OBJECTIVELY wrong.

VeronicaAnn 7 Aug 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I once told the admin of some real sexy women's group that it was not okay that they were body shaming small or slim women. That it was hypocritical to expect body positivity and acceptance of their bodies while simultaneously denigrating and shaming other bodies. I was blocked from group and by the snarky hypocritical admin of said group. Heh

Yes sadly it was here. Members kept us using shaming language like men like real women not bones and other denigrating statements. If you try to find the real women group here and search my username you may see my comments. I think the user was wildflower I can't remember her name anymore.


We’ve all been there ourselves, making a really stupid and regrettable mistake, there’s nothing strange or unusual in that. That is not the important message is the fact that you realised it, rectified it and learned from it. For that I commend you, would that we all had your wisdom and humility.


As humans we all make errors. If I make a post and It gets called out as wrong or unreasonably hurtful, I will post a retraction, an apology or research to show why the post was made. If it is wrong, after leaving the correction up for a time, I delete the post and move on.


You owned your mistake, you learned from it and you moved on. That's a noteworthy accomplishment in itself, and not blocking people who called you out is mature, but if some cannot let it go, blocking them for their actions isn't the same as blocking them for yours. 👍🏻

JimG Level 8 Aug 24, 2020



I think that I love you now (or, at least, deeply respect you. 😁). It takes real courage and maturity to own mistakes as thoroughly as you have here.


What can we do to help you?

It doesnt sound like she needs help

@Burner That's for her to decide.

@LovinLarge true that, but why offer help to someone who doesnt seem to need it?

@Burner I don't see what business it is of yours.

@LovinLarge if we were all in a room together and one person said "im an adult and thinking for myself, its hard work" and someone else rushed over and said "whats wrong, do you need help?" Id be concerned the someone was trying to shut someone down. That the vibe i got here.

Obviously theres more to the story, but reflexively asking a grown adult if they need help with basic tasks seems kinda diminishing at the least. I was surpised after reading the mature level of communication on all other posts and comments. This a public forum. If you think your comments are no one elses business, you shoulnt post in public.

I know im tone policing and its stupid, the OP isnt an idiot about the variety of people on the webz, and doesnt need my help either. It was incredibly jarring to see your comment in that context, i read it a couple times before i responded. She doesnt need me to baby her any more than she needs you, so im sorry for that.

@Burner Seek the professional help you so desperately need. Blocked.


good approach. I have found for myself that to come out and say I'm wrong when I've been wrong is better for me on the inside and the outside. peace.

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