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I know I need to go to therapy. I’ve been isolating myself for three months now. My apartment is a mess. I feel like I’m a mess. I told my psychiatrist the other day that the only way I could explain how I’ve been feeling is “extra bipolar.” Now, she decided not to change my meds yet because I have to see a neurologist to make sure my shunt isn’t malfunctioning because I have suspected that it has been off for a few weeks now. Regardless, I know I need therapy but they are just going to tell me the same things and try to give me the same coping skills. Any suggestions on getting out of this extreme rut I’ve been in?

Bverret2012 6 Apr 8

Enjoy being online again!

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If you figure it out let me know how


Possibly a new psychiatrist. Go to your primary care doctor and ask for a new referral

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