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"As we’ve pointed out before, having a weekly Bible study for White House officials isn’t illegal. But having it led by someone who treats women and LGBTQ people this way should be a concern for everyone, including Christians who have a different interpretation of the Bible. It’s one thing for Mike Pence to hold these views; it’s another when those views are being spread throughout the Capitol by someone who has access to legislators throughout the country.

Our leaders are learning bigoted theology from a sexist Christian leader. And you thought this administration couldn’t get any worse…"

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Angelface 7 Apr 8

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You can not be influenced by the con-men acting as religious people no matter where they meet. The republicans ignore the Constitution and do not live by it's writings as they choose to decide all meaning of it's contents with fake information.


What....I must have missed the news on "Bible study for White House officials"..there are rallies for gun rights......pathetic.

While not officially mandatory, yet; I think for those in the administration who want to be heard and their agendas to go anywhere, it is, (prayer Meetings); mandatory.

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