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“If you pluck the chicken one feather at a time, no one will notice, including the chicken
~Benito Mussolini

Lorajay 9 Sep 6

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..I’d think the Chicken would begin to avoid you...

Varn Level 8 Sep 7, 2020

Chickens and trump supporters both seem to have a deficit when it comes to understanding cause-and-effect.


"In America, there is a sucker born every minute"--P T Barnum


"Propaganda should be directed towards the emotions rather than to the intellect. Propaganda must be popular and it's level must be low enough for it to impress itself on the simplest mind."-- Adolph Hitler, "Mein Kampf"


Is this the same thing as slowly heating the water where you've put a frog?

Sort of, but if the water temperature rises above 30°C, the frog makes plans to leave. The tale is "urban legend'.

@Petter OF COURSE it's ''urban legend.'' Frogs are too smart to let themselves be stewed! Unlike these half-plucked chickens! 🙂

@LucyLoohoo The half plucked chickens are obviously Trump supporters.

@Petter Poor things will soon take a cut in their seed provisions. We can only hope for a better future!


I'm no chicken..


Yeah the fascist philosophy , and Trump's agenda

I don't know Mussolini may have been that smart, but I am not sure Trump is.

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