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Maybe it's just me because I used to work for a couple tech companies where I learned to have notification sounds for my emails. But I'm wondering how prevalent the practice is. Do you have notification sounds when you receive emails, texts or phone messages on your cell phone?

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lerlo 8 Sep 9

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Google does a good job at eliminating Spam but I still get way too many E mails to get sound notifications


I have alerts only for certain work emails. Anything other than that is too intrusive. Alerts turn me into a servant of the phone.


Just texts and voicemails


You forgot: I have notifications for texts and voicemails.

I definitely can’t be bothered every time I get an email. Ugh. πŸ˜„


I have for emails only, the shortest and quietest beep my laptop can give me. Btw, I’m retired and usually in a quiet place.

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