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Okay, we have religious nutters predicting all the time. Well here was one from yours truly, another humble carpenter from the provinces. Just five months since posting this, how am I doing?

Is this the end of America?

273kelvin 8 Sep 15

Enjoy being online again!

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If the Democrats take over, it will be damn near the end.

Sure because you are doing so well under the present management, why change a winning coach?
Nearly 200,000 deaths and climbing. An R rate of 1.3 when you're 8 months into this. Cities in violent confrontations. A collapsed economy and a head of state that is viewed as a dangerous idiot all over the globe. Yeah 4 more years, go for it.

@273kelvin sounds like Obama and swine flu.

@CourtJester Remind me again, how many US lives did swine flu take under Obama? Oh yeah under 12,500 and that was for the whole year. Less than you are losing each fortnight atm.
Why don't you get on a plane and see how other counties are dealing with this? Oh sorry, you can't because no other country will let you in. No need for a wall, Mexico is closed to you too (now that's irony)
Tired of winning yet?

@CourtJester This is how your logic sounds;

The Trump/Trumpster mechanic

"Hey, dipshit, what the fuck did you do to my car?"
"That's a very nasty question"
"The f*cking thing seized on the freeway last night and I had to get towed. Cost me 400 bucks"
"It was a very, very bad car that had been worked on by an idiot"
"You're the idiot that worked on it"
"No the guy before me"
"That was 3 and a 1/2 years ago"
"But he did a terrible job"
"It didn't breakdown"
"But the windscreen washer didn't work and the windows sometimes stuck. Which I fixed beautifully"
"It had no oil in the sump"
"It had loads of oil in the sump, That sump never had so much oil"
"Then why did it seize?"
"The previous guy"
"That guy put oil in it at least"
"No, he didn't. I put oil in it. Lots of oil, good oil, great oil, the best oil it ever had"
"No, you didn't"
"That's not true"
"Yes it is"
"Here is the AAA report that shows that there was no oil in it, And you charged me $75 bucks for oil when you serviced it 2 days ago. Which may I add I could have bought at WallMart for $40"
"Listen, what we have to concentrate on here is the fact that the washers and windows work perfectly. Which is far better than they did under your last mechanic, plus the chrome looks fantastic"
"What are you gonna do about my car?"
"I don't have time for this now. I have a tee time booked at the golf course, bye"

@273kelvin We only got the items that you listed when the Democrats saw the election coming and needed to push stuff over a cliff and hype it up because the first three years were so phenomenal.

@CourtJester You don't get it do you? It's like if you come home and find your wife screwing the mailman. It no excuse or comfort if she says that your ex cheated too. Every criticism levelled at Trump is deflected by either downright lies, blaming someone else or saying that Obama screwed up too/worse. It is not good enough, not for the supposed leader of the free world. The buck stops with him period.
Then there is the divisive politics that he thrives on. Well, hows that working out for yer? Cities in engulfed in a violent confrontation, anti-mask and lockdown protests which he has done worse than nothing to quell. In fact, he has downright encouraged them. A real POTUS would be trying to pour oil on troubled waters. He just fans the flames. He could/should have used his popularity with his base to appeal to them to do right. Something like "Hey guys I know its tough not being able to get a haircut but we have to see this thing through". Instead, he shouts "Go team" when they stormed state capital buildings.
A real POTUS serves (yes serves) as president of ALL the citizens of his country, yes ALL. He is Pelosi's president, Harrises president, Baltimore's president, the never Trumpers president, not just the ones that voted for him but ALL the citizens, even his critics
I watch the news of his rallies and there are no masks or distancing. If fact he should not even be having them at this time but he does not care. He never cares for anyone except himself. You have an R rate of around 1.3. That means that this disease is accelerating at 1/3 more cases every day but does not give a shit so long as his TV ratings are good. Then again what can you expect from a man who gets the news that his own brother is dying in hospital then plays golf the next day as he dies? I don't care what kind of estrangement there was between them but you would a least show up and you certainly would not be playing golf. So if that's how much he cares about his own family, then how much do you think he cares about the shmucks that attend his rallies? About as much as he believes in the religious crap that comes out of the evangelical idiots that support him.
The rest of the world is looking at you like a train wreck that can't be stopped. Do not for one second believe him when he says that America is now respected or that "They love me in Scotland or the UK" We f*cking hate him. They had to have massive police cordons to keep demonstrates away when he came here. He had to come home early from the NATO summit because all the other leaders were laughing at him behind his back.
Even the smart guys in the GOP are jumping ship. The Lincoln project is actively campaigning against a Republican president. Think about that for a minute. Can you remember any time in US political history when factions of a party have raised money to tell the voters not to vote for their own party? I suggest that you listen to them as a counterbalance to Fox news.


I predict that the fires on the West coast will add a "shit ton" of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere and help raise the temperatures even further.
I'm guessing we have about 20 years or so before we're all extinct.
Trump's trying to help by privately acknowledging that Covid doesn't only effect old people but young people too while publicly fighting tooth and nail to reopen the schools while claiming that that children are immune to the virus. It's his version of mercy, after all if your kids are already dead you won't have to suffer the sadness of watching them cook to death, and your fond memories of them will help you maintain as you roast to death yourself.
The Evangelicals support this policy because they're special "Children of God" that won't have to suffer because the Jesus Bus is coming to take them all away before the rest of us get what we deserve.
News flash, no one is coming to help, not Gods or aliens.
We're pretty much doomed.

I’m afraid your correct........but we will always hear that there’s hope.

Guess what? Hope doesn’t’s merely an illusion in the minds of the naive and gullible, that’s about it.

Unfortunately, you may be correct. much of tRumps and GOP policy has been a akin to a firesale. Although I doubt if ALL humans will be extinct. I dare say that there is some bunker somewhere that the Murdocks and all the other rich white trash have bought into.

@273kelvin Fine until their supplies run out and they face not Terra Earth on it's terms.


The empire needs to expand or contract. It cannot maintain itself as a stable constant. I'll expand further later....

China stayed static for a long time, But it's not just empires, change is the only constant


You certainly ask questions, which is the best gift anyone can give.


Maybe Trump will give Alaska to Russia as a thank you gift for the election help. And offer Hawaii up to pay Russia for the first vaccine that becomes available. Silly things, but yes I do think we've likely seen the end of America as we know it, we may never recover from the corruption and mishandling of important matters.

If I am right (and I do hope that I am wrong), then it is very likely to bring the whole capitalist system down with it. Either way, it probably means the end of the USA as the preeminent world power


Not great at all.

Really! So the USA has faired very well during this crisis then? Okay, I missed out on the racial tension but that is a byproduct of division and a collapsed economy. And to be fair it's less than 5 months. We still have the election and whether the result will be accepted.
Maybe I will revisit this next April and see?


@273kelvin America has not ended. Why ask for validation when you're going to bitch and whine whenever someone says your predictions are not great? I did not say your predictions suck. Seems to me you're on the same I can't be wrong narcissistic egocentric level than the turd trump.

@Mofo1953 Early days yet.
Look I don't want it to happen and I would be overjoyed to be proven wrong. However, things are not looking good

@273kelvin things not looking good to the end of America is comparing a paper cut to a beheading. You have already been proven wrong.

@Mofo1953 Ah well that's the great thing about us prophets. We cannot be proved wrong if we don't set a time limit. If I say "you're gonna die" then I can keep saying "Just wait".
Besides, it was really a set of provocative questions.

@273kelvin wow, now you are a prophet. This confirms you are in the same league with the turd, who suffers of grandiose delusional disorder.


You missed out China cashing out of the Dollar to have less than a trillion left in foreign reserves. By the time 45 is 86-ed they will have a lot of leverage and little risk in further fucking with the US and getting another one of those great deals Trump hates. Pretty sure this was all planned anyway. Set up the Dems with another shit situation and then spend four years whining about how bad everything is until the mess is cleared up again and try to waltz back into power for a spending binge.

I did say something about the world cashing in America's markers and its debt. If China starts then the ROTW will not be far behind

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