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So I go back into FB to contest my ban, this is my second time to be banned and request an explanation, and both times I fill out the proper request only to be told they can't process it at this time, and to try again later. WTF! Cowards!

Sticks48 9 Sep 16

Enjoy being online again!

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FB is probably pretty busy these days! I got banned from there once, for trolling the Trumpies. I also file lots of complaints against loudmouth Trumpies who threaten violence.


How do they even ban you when email addresses are two a penny? Do they insist on a phone number now?

Haven't had any dealings with them in almost a year now, no regrets. True friends just email me.

@MissKathleen well I guess there are ways around that. For $1 you can buy a phone number that can receive a text, there are probably cheaper or even free ways too.

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