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Trump Got a ‘Kick Out of’ the Election Fears He’s Stoked. Inside the DOJ, There’s Some Panic. [] via @thedailybeast. BIG JOKE ASSHOLE!

Charliesey 7 Sep 25

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We expect politics to be fair. It it is not fair. Politics is never fair. Digging dirt, fake news, vote rigging, voter suppression have been common in every state. Republicans go out all the way to win and they have been winning everywhere while we are playing good guys. In 5 years, nobody will remember anything. Is anyone talking about Bush and Cheney and their lying, looting, wasting billions in the name of the fake war of Iraq? I think it was a lot more criminal than what Trump is doing. Trump should go to jail but ask WTF our own leaders in Washington are doing all these years when good reforms could be put in place?

The Democratic Party has become the party of women, and the educated. Neither have the instinct or inclination to match the viciousness of their Republican opponents. Nor do they have the continuous financing of Industrial Republican Enablers.

The days of Unions are gone, the jobs too. The men who supported them have turned into ‘Reagan Republicans’ or so-called Independents. They’re sick of illegal immigration, the trendy suppression of men, the lack of industrial family wage jobs … and are both targeted and susceptible to the Republican demonization of either democrats, foreigners, or competing nations..

Regarding the educated ...those not having beat the shit out of eachother in after school fights.. but instead moved away to higher learning - they don’t know how to fight! Instead, they flee to the courts. That’s where the Politically Correct crap comes from. Instead of stomping their opponents with election victories and hard-ass legislation (like the R’s do) ...they analyze the minutiae of the law and judge shop before pleading their case. Sometimes it works, but ultimately - when it reaches the Republican ‘supreme court,’ it doesn't … but they’ve all those ‘dissenting’ arguments to cling to…

We’re fucked. While this sickass nation was entertaining itself to death, the Industrialists and Religious Republicans were picking away.. In their eyes, they think ‘they’ve won.’ The Industrialists may have … what taxes they might have paid are prettymuch gone.. But lacking concern for the survival of those who purchase their products or fill their churches … between a lack of healthcare and global warming, those numbers will eventually be reduced to death as well.. Actually, they’ve done too good a job fucking ‘America,’ and the World.

As wrong a time as it is right now to agree with your bashing Democrats’ve a point. A point best discussed after we take back the presidency and the senate. But a damn fuckin valid point that will continue to bite us everytime we fall back to sleep …. because Republicans never sleep 😕

Do keep in mind, my state, the State of Virginia had it’s off-year state-wide elections last year - and Republicans got their asses kicked!! So don’t think it’s beyond the capability of the majority - The Democrats - to do what needs done when things get too bad.. But as mentioned - at the moment - they need encouragement (then we can remind them why they must not only pay constant attention - but learn to fight!)

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