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Berkeley, California, bans candy, junk food at grocery checkout. I'm not sure what to think of this?.

PondartIncbendog 8 Sep 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Product placement is HUGE in the marketing world. It's all about impulse buying. Nobody leaves the house intentionally just to go buy some gummy bears. There's a book called Coercive Atmospherics. It's fascinating... all about how retail planners manipulate people into buying things they don't want or need with sounds smells and geography. For example... ever wonder why shopping malls are so confusing? It's intentional. If you can't see the store you're looking for, you look at everything else. And they appeal to your senses while you're wandering around.... the smell of donuts, the music, etc. []


It may help with the kids, but you realize as well as I do that adults are going to buy any f** thing they want to and shove it down their fat ass throats and then wash it down with a 55 gallon drum of diet soda with a straw. I will apologize for the way that sounds but please understand that I'm surrounded by a bunch of grossly overweight Trump supporters. 🤮



MsAl Level 8 Sep 26, 2020

I have a problem with the government controlling how otherwise legal products are sold and marketed. It's shit like this that provides certain people the ability to make claims that liberals want a nanny state that controls every aspect of our lives. When it's about stuff for the public good, like the banning of trans fats, I understand and support it; people cannot police themselves in regards to stuff like that. But there's no inherent danger from marketing that way. Heck a lot of stores already have the option of "junk free" checkout lines, so if that's an option people want, they'll frequent the stores that provide it.
If anything should be banned at grocery store checkouts, it should be those fuckin' conspiracy theory rags. This country has enough actual fake news.


Right on! My first hourly job in HS was with a grocery store whose owner felt it was wrong to trap customers and their families between displays of garbage at the checkstands. Pretty cool, thought I.. He died, Kroger bought it ...and now they’re like all others..

It would be great to see CA take the national progressive lead again, seems they’re tryin!

Varn Level 8 Sep 26, 2020
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