I am my own priestess of atheism, and only for me not anyone else.
Why do stupid people think they can disrupt my lack of belief by attacking "famous" atheist?
I arrived at my disbelief on my own, I wasn't talked out of it.
I'm sad for anyone that lives by the authority of strangers and their opinions.
I understand; I think, however, proof of reincarnation, psychism, verifiable paranormal activity, crop circles, UFO sightings and predeluvian civilizations, crop circles (no not guys with plywood), and other evidence requires atheists to modify their point of view.
No, the Abrahamic god doesn't exist; that is not even a possibility.
But 'god' writ large IS not only a possibility, but an inescapable conclusion. There must be SOME explanation. To deny it is irrational. Address THAT, not the ramblings of Neanderthals caught in a time vortex and wishing for a return to the Dark Ages.
Umm, no, just no.
In the immortal words of Homer Simpson and their god:
“You know, I have a feeling there’s a lesson here.” – Homer Simpson
“Yes, the lesson is-” – Marge Simpson
“No, don’t tell me, I’ll get it . . . oh, I know! The lord is vengeful! Oh spiteful one, show me who to smite and they shall be smoten!” – Homer Simpson
It is as logical as anything else the theists proclaim.
Agreed, the cover photo on Atom heart mother may have been a better visual effect.
I'll make it so.
@Willow_Wisp I was thinking the album photo, but I like this also thanks.
Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power.
That's some non sequitur crap, WTF does that even mean, I bet you have no more idea than I do.
How can he hand the kingdom to the father if the father and son are one? Lol...If he destroys all dominion and authority and power how does he have the ability to hand any kingdom to anyone???
@Willow_Wisp yeh, pretty much
just seemed to be in agreement with you
@Desertcactus my guess would be that the elements in there need to be defined in a way differently than a Christian would; hence, no really Old White Guy, no son of man dying for our sins, etc
I didn't even realize they were talking about a famous atheist till I saw your comment. Lol.