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Hi - as we've heard overt threats by a sitting President not to respect the outcome of the election, and as we've seen overt actions by him to try to undermine the voting process, and as we've seen virtually no action by his party to say anything against this, and as we've seen the President overtly encourage violent conflict, I thought I'd try a brief simple poll:

Who here agrees with me that we are already in the process of watching an attempted takeover of the United States Government?

Attempted Takeover of the US Government

  • 7 votes
  • 1 vote
kmaz 7 Sep 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Revisiting this thread and poll, which I started on September 30.

First, I got it right.
Second, the takeover attempt is ongoing and needs to be taken as seriously as one would take any such attempt.

kmaz Level 7 Jan 17, 2021

Hi -
The point of my poll question on September 30 was to draw attention to the fact that we were already watching a takeover attempt. I think that indeed we are and have been watching this.

As to whether it would be effective, I think we dodged the bullet of a country's lifetime by barely defeating the would-be dictator in the general election, and that this amounted to barely defeating the takeover attempt since the takeover attempt was largely in trying to suppress the vote .... and some of the vote was indeed successfully suppressed by Trump... but not quite enough for him to win.

Again, the President tried to slow down the mail service, in the middle of a pandemic when people needed to vote by mail to preserve their health, and he did this to try to take over the government.

I haven't come across a single news story which attempts to diagnose how many hundreds of thousands votes (or perhaps millions) were successfully prevented from being cast and counted by the mail system slowdown. For example, I have run across news and anecdotes that in some situations college kids voting for the first time did not receive their absentee ballot information in time to vote.

The President once bragged that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose voters. There are reasons he would say this that speak to his understanding of why people were voting for him, but it also speaks to us examining some of the stuff he has pulled, and our failure to highlight it and vote accordingly. His slowdown of the mail system, and the lack of TIMELY news coverage of whether in the end this did prevent hundreds of thousands or millions of voters from voting, and the question of whether this might have meant a proper Biden victory in a landslide,..... these actions and issues are to me an example of American Intellectual Bankruptcy, of desperation for a candidate who satisfies the anti-Liberal criteria of many voters, and of how we could have had such a President for four years.

If and when reputable research teams and reporters do try to track down the news and information story of the gaging the number of votes that were suppressed, part of the research and news should be gaging the number of extra people who died because they had to go to the polls rather than trust the mail service to get their vote in.

kmaz Level 7 Nov 21, 2020

I highly doubt there will be a takeover.... Maybe a few "incidents " here and there like we have now.. There doesn't seem to be any real organization of trump supporters to attempt a real takeover.. Plus, they're basically cowards... And dumb. If they do try, they will be utterly destroyed


I hope this can be stopped. If Biden takes office and the right wing takes to the streets, I don't care. Let it happen.


I agree and I will bet that Trump will dispute the election results if he loses and AG Barr will help him..... again outsmarting the Democrats for the 21st time in 4 years.

I am still not giving Biden more than 50:50 chances of winning.

You were right. The chances estimate that you made drew attention to what a close call this might be (which it was), and the prediction of Trump disputing the results has born out.


Here are the possibilities of what may happen after Trump leaves the White House:

  1. Trump knows very well that offense is the best defense
  2. He will build a conservative movement bigger and stronger than the Tea Party and force the conservatives to get radical
  3. Trump will successfully build a media empire that will suck oxygen out of Fox News, you will see him TV shows every day
  4. It is possible that that he will inherit the radio show of Rush Limbaugh after Limbaugh is dead soon
  5. Trump will focus on defeating his sworn enemies Democrats in every race - local, state, federal.
  6. He will contradict every Biden and other Democrats move on foreign policy, immigration, Fed Chairman moves, stock market, legislative bills
  7. Trump will make sure that Democratic president, senators and House fail at everything by giving a better voice to the opposition, he will focus on defeating big name Democrats by funding, campaigning and running rumor media
  8. Trump will be a living nightmare for the Democrats as long as he is alive
  9. He will build a powerful Washington lobby for conservative causes but stay out of legal woes
  10. He will launch political donations, fund raising like no Republican has seen before
  11. He will successfully fight all legal moves by the justice department and New York and force AG and governors and force them to abandon all by sucking all oxygen out of their political capital. He will prop their opponents, critic. At some point, the governors and AGs have to choose between Trump and their own political future.
  12. He will begin to expand his businesses in Conservative states and overseas. He will focus on using favors due from Saudi Arabia, Israel etc.
  13. He might even run for one term in 2024 after forcing Biden to fail for 4 years
  14. He will create a political dynasty after encouraging his children to run for Senate from safe red districts that will surpass Bush's
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