9 44

I love Bill Nye. LOL

Sonja44 7 Oct 2

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And it is COLD water!


This reminds me the SPERM WHALE PENIS is 13 feet long .....lady whales seem to enjoy that...... what is the body temperature at penis of cetaceans in arctic antarctic habitats ?


Please @Sonja44 don't pressure us good men to be ERECT and circumcised ...... love one of us for the various states of arousal and performance
..... I enjoy being squeezed by a loving vagina and move according to "her" wishes making love ..... I have zero knowledge of Bill Nye penis shapes ...if I did, that would make me gay and outing myself for being his gay lover or an illegal voyeur secretly filming his penis activities..
....appropo are there any people here having ice cold sexual contact with a frozen phallus dildo or erect male corpse ???????

Wow ... Ewww ... TMI, dude.
try another group for stuff like this.


Oh! .. ninety percent under water, now we're talking! 😂


It's a funny comment, but was it actually a post from Bill Nye?

kmaz Level 7 Oct 2, 2020

Oddly enough, it'll get smaller as it gets warmer. 😄


What do you expect. The cold does cause shrinkage.


The real "Science Guy". I take him seriously.


ice cold!

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