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Given that it has been said of Donald Trump that he has spent a third of his time in office playing golf and visiting his various properties, I wonder could it be that he suffers from Ferro-Plumbum? A fairly common condition which may or may not be listed in Index Medicus.
Ferro-Plumbum from Latin, ferro meaning iron and plumbum meaning lead. Basically, it is a condition where the iron in the blood turns to lead in the ass.


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Combined with anal cranial inversion, who knows where this may lead.


He's a lardass! 😂😂


Lead in ass, is that like plum donkey?

Word Level 8 Oct 5, 2020

Plum donkey, I've never heard that expression, kindly enlighten me.

@ASTRALMAX correctness could be plumb donkey, not plum - missing b.

made it up my self playing on words.

plumbum meaning lead:
For plumb:
Because “plumb” means truly, completely, entirely straight, the slang dictionary says, about 1748 someone was called “plumb silly.” From there came “plumb crazy” (or its twin, “plumb loco&rdquo😉, “plumb tired,” and other such straightforward expressions.

@Word Thank you for your explanation. Someone creates a new verb or noun or adjective and with usuage and the passage of time it finds it's way into the Merriam Webster Dictionary or the OED. 🙂


When I was younger this was referred to as the Crud. "It is impossible to get him to do anything as he has the Crud."


Maybe you should send this to the Doctors at the Walter Reid Hospital where he is at lol

Nah. Send it to the basement of the white house where they have the set where it was all filmed.


Lmao funny


Vote Republicans out of office!

I'll donate some bricks, steel, and volunteer!

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