only his
@whiskywoman And working people’s
@CourtJester biden yes trump not even
I wouldn't expect a different cartoon from anyone from my home state of Alabama.
That's why I immigrated from there to the United States in 1990.
Best move I ever made.
@Willow_Wisp I came here from New York. Loving it.
If he gets re-elected this country is doomed.
oh I know and it will take years to fix what he broke
@whiskywoman Not in our lifetime will it get fixed. Just when I'm looking to retire, their taking away my Social Security and Medicare.
@barjoe trump is trying for sure and you notice not one word about refunding our contributions
he may start a war with iran
@whiskywoman The amazing thing to me? 45% of Americans are like: Yes! Finally! We can have fascism on this country! This is wonderful. We can have a Christian version of Saudi Arabia!
@barjoe Christians have always been worse than any other religion