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An old, blind marine accidentally wanders into an all-girl bikers' bar and sits down. After ordering a drink he shouts out,
"Hey! Wanna hear a blonde joke?"
The entire bar falls silent as the woman seated next to him says, in a deep, husky voice.
"Before you tell that joke and since you are blind, I feel it's only fair that you should know 5 things.

  1. The bartender is a blonde girl, holding a baseball bat.
  2. The bouncer is a blonde girl.
  3. I'm a 6ft, 175lb blonde girl and a karate black belt.
  4. The woman beside me is another blonde, and a professional wrestler.
  5. The woman to the other side of you is a blonde and a professional weight lifter."
    She paused for a minute to let it all sink in, then asked.
    "Do you still want to tell that joke?"
    The marine pondered, then replied.
    "Not if I'm going to have to explain it 5 times."
Petter 9 Oct 9

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There are all-girl bikers’ bars?!

Are you a potential member? 🤣🤣

@Petter well my friends are always asking when I’m going to get another yes 🙂

@girlwithsmiles My friends think I have one. They keep saying to me "On your bike". 🤪


nd or not my question would be, "Is the blind guy still alive?"

good question < at least he can say he never knew what or whom hit him lol


That's a sexist joke. Can it.

My wife laughed uproariously at it.
It belongs to the same category as Irish jokes, etc.

if one gives them out then one must take them back all in good fun and not take these things seriously



skado Level 9 Oct 9, 2020

I haven't heard a blonde joke for years!

Two women are sat in a salon, one says to the other,
‘I’m getting a mani/ pedi, what about you?’
She says,
‘I’m getting my asshole dyed’
The first woman responds,
‘Funny, I can’t imagine him blond.’

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